Podcast #24 – BC’s 5 DVA’s and a Mystery Wine

There is more to BC wine that the Okanagan Valley. Although the Okanagan is the largest producer of grapes in BC, there are other regions that are putting themselves on the map for quality viticulture. What grapes are being grown in these viticulural areas? Can they all grow similar varieties? Do all the wines that a winery produces have to be from within their own DVA or can they buy grapes from elsewhere? We’ll blind taste a wine from a newer DVA (hint: it isn’t from the Okanagan) and compare notes on all the regions.

Listen to the podcast and then click here to see the mystery wine.

2 thoughts on “Podcast #24 – BC’s 5 DVA’s and a Mystery Wine

  1. jerome

    Your iTunes URL is complaining again.
    Keep up the good work.
    When you’re ready, the invitation to visit and drink parts of my wine cellar still stands.

    1. winecountrybc

      Thanks Jerome, we might take you up on that soon.

      I noticed something odd when I was in iTunes the other day but didn’t have time to investigate further. They seemed to have changed some things within the program itself. I’ll be looking into it as soon as I can. Cheers!


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