Wine Information

Yes, this information has not been updated in a few years. I’ve been busy writing books in that time. For the most up-to-date information, I suggest purchasing The Okanagan Wine Tour Guide by John Schreiner and myself, which was just released in April of 2020. I will try to make updates to these lists as I can.  

Wine, wine, wine, wine, wine….

Here are a few things to savour as you sip your way through wine country. Wine lovers enjoy learning about wine and we like writing and talking about it, so it’s really a classic match in the making. Here are some things to help you learn, appreciate, and enjoy sipping whether you are in wine country or not. Cheers!

The BIG LIST of BC Wineries (Updated – October 2013)

BC Makers of other Fine Drinks – aka “The Big List, Part 2”

Kid-Friendly Wineries

BC Wine Brands and Their Corporations – From Podcast #60

Wineries that are open in the winter (updated Dec 2009)

The 7 Deadly Wine Faults (and How to Spot ‘Em)